Happy Christmas

Hello to all my friends and readers. I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while, I have been having a little rest from book promotion, but I do want to thank you all for continuing to buy my books, for all the wonderful messages I receive, and most of...


One of the wonderful things about writing novels is that serendipity often lends a helping hand. When I was starting to write my first book, LAVENDER ROAD, my car had broken down and I bumped into a wonderful local lady, Laura Boorman, at a bus stop on Clapham Common....


This is just a quick message to wish a Happy Christmas to all you lovely followers of my blog. I have been hard at work over the last couple of months writing the fourth novel in my LAVENDER ROAD series. I feel as though I have been living in 1942 so it comes as quite...

Do you have a distracted writer in your life?

There’s nothing worse than indecision. It is debilitating, frustrating and exhausting. All those ‘Should I/shouldn’t I’s, ‘But what if’s, ‘Which’s, ‘When’s and ‘How’s cause our little brains to work overtime, jumping from one option to another like demented fleas. And...

Why do people write novels?

By any standard writing a novel is a long hard grind. Despite popular opinion, very few novelists ever hit the real mega buck level (many don’t hit any buck level at all). But yet judging from the plethora of wannabe novelists on Twitter and Facebook, it appears that...